Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Apartment and New Puppy!!

So once again God has been providing in amazing ways.

I found a great and spacious 3 bedroom apt in Upper Manhattan (tip of Harlem) for a great price. After an immense amount of haggling and tons of time, we got approved for the apt!!!! By we I mean me, Ruba, Tiffany (my friend from church), and Stacie who will be crashing until June then leaving NYC. It is so awesome and I am a 15 min subway ride into work!!! Thank God!!! Life is good.

While being in my new apt for a couple of days, the adoption of my rescue puppy went through and I am now a proud parent of Wolfgang (I call him Wolfie). I named him after my favorite composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His wife Constanza used to call him Wolfie and I always loved it. He is part Beagle and part Toy Fox Terrier. He is so precious and such a god puppy. I've had him for about a week and I already have taught him to sit, lay and shake paw. He's 12 weeks old and ahhhh such a joy. Such a good puppy. I feel pretty blessed. He is super smart too, which is amazing because I don't know if I can handle a dumb dog.

Lastly, I finally decided on the Master's program I want to do. A MS in Organizational Development. It is a Master's of Science in Psychology in the area of Organizational Development. Looking at a program now, that if accepted, will start in June and finish in December of 2011. A Master's degree by the age of 26? Yes Please!

Life is exciting, busy and vivacious. Wouldn't have it any other way.