Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My job is over, and my truck is sold.....

So the decision has been made!!!! My last day at my job was on January 20th and today I sold my truck. My Tacoma, my baby, of five years. I was the original owner to that bundle of joy. Everyone who knows me knows that I had some awesome adventures in that truck. Symbolically it dictated so much of my independence. It was bittersweet to see it go today, but this foreshadows my move to New York!!!

Now I am working on finding an apt and a job out there. Before I leave to New York, which is on Feb 14th (yes I will be spending my Valentine's on a plane and sharing my love with the city!), I would like to secure a job and a place to live. Is all that going to happen before I leave? Who knows...this is all God's will and I am excited to trust in him and watch as he provides for me.  Also, before I leave to new York I am submitting my application to graduate school to pursue my MS in Urban Affairs with a concentration in Non-Profits and Public Policy. I will be applying to Hunter College in Manhattan. I find out in May/June if I get accepted for the Fall Semester that starts in September. I am networking a lot in New York right now, so I have options until I hear back about grad school.  Nothing can devastate me at this point, because I am putting my best foot and effort forward and what is provided to me I am confident is God's will. If I don't get an opportunity I "thought" I wanted, I walk in peace and excitement knowing God has another adventure else planned for me. :) 

I am so excited and I created this blog to share my struggles, happiness, emotions, and success with you guys. I am up and moving to a new place with no definite answers, and I am excited, scared, and at peace about it. I am determined to pursue my calling and to really wake up every morning happy with what I am doing in my life and the way I am serving others. So I invite you to share this journey with me, it will be an adventure and I promise to only post raw and honest updates on my pursuit!!!

Yallah, here we go!


  1. so i just saw ur blog..and since i made my own a little while ago..figured id add urs to mine..or however it works..regardless of whatever im saying--congrats and i pray u find happiness and success in NY!

  2. It's a faith adventure! Woo hoo! We'll be continuing to pray that God goes ahead of you and leads you in His footsteps. Nothing is too big for Him!

  3. I love you Tina. You have always been an inspiration to me and everyone you've come into contact with i'm sure. I wish you the absolute best in this crazy awesome RANDOM journey you're about to partake in. May GOD bless you in everything you do! Ok I'm feeling an emo moment coming on. Please KIT. I'm planning on flying out there either in March or September. Maybe I can be your first out of town visit! :)

  4. I am so proud of you cow- and your blog- AWESOME GOOD JOB!

    here is mine-

    If you go to my blog you can become a Follower.

    Check out Murray's blog as well

    I love you meah, just received your message and I will call you soon. It is only 7:00 am right now, so in a few hours when I know you are up...

    I love you.

  5. You go girl. Literally.. GO. Call me if you ever need anything. Sandwiches, sushi, a burrito, anything... food is best, I can overnight those no problem...


  6. hey tina.
    im glad you are making the big leap to nyc. its a great place to live and work. sounds like you'll do amazing as always.
    annie (SC 07)

  7. Miss Teena Sawaya...Wow! First of all, congrats. You've always said your gonna do it & here you are. Awesome! I pray that all goes well for you up in the NYC. You have been mentioning this from when I first knew you (about 6 years). You have truely developed into a woman who is reaching towards the goals you have set up in your lifetime. Doing big things for yourself girl. I'm proud of you. Let me know how everything goes out there. Much love.

  8. I wish we could have had more time to be friends, but I'm glad you'll be happy.

    ducati man
