Thursday, January 29, 2009

Secured my apt in NY, 16 days to go...

Rom 1:17 "The Just Live by Faith"
God provides when we surrender and put our faith in him. This entire journey of surrender through my job, letting go of my truck and eliminating most of my possessions, has been a scary task. But things are coming together nicely. I am at peace about my life, and quite frankly I appreciate living simply. God is NEVER on time but is never LATE with providing for us. It is written...

My apt came through! Woo hoo! I will be living in Brooklyn, NY. It is about a 15 min train ride into New York City. My roommate Kelly seems awesome. She is going to meet me at the airport the day I land and help me bring my stuff into the apt! What a gem she is! In addition, I filed for my taxes today and it looks like uncle sam is going to be giving me back a nice chunk of change which should help in my transition to NY. I was not expecting to get anything back really, so it is nice to look forward to that.

Removing the stress of looking for an apartment has been liberating. I have some interviews set up on the 16th, a couple of days after I arrive, which should provide options. I am excited and looking forward to New York, but I am making sure I am enjoying the moments in front of me as well. Enjoying the present and what amazing friends and family I have in my life has been nice to take in. This last week has been awesome because I have had the opportunity to spend time with people who mean the most to me. Spending time with my sister, my baba, my grandma, my best friend Briana, Scott and all the phone conversations I have had, ah what a breath of fresh air. I am blessed in my life with the people around me, the opportunities in front of me and love I share and will soon share with people in my life.


  1. Congrats on getting your apt. I hope you are doing well and both Sarah and I are praying for you. It looks like God is taking care of you quite well.

  2. Tina - so happy to hear that you are settling in. I've been wondering how you were and decided to google your name to see if I could find a way to contact you. Sorry you weren't able to make it up our way before you left. I'm praying for you and wishing you the very best!

    Love, Auntie Debbie
